Saturday, 3 January 2009

D-day minus one - Sunday

The first week's menu can be found here on Tulip's blog.

However, I have decided to start a day early, as I have a shoulder of lamb thawed ready for dinner, so tomorrow's menu will be:

Breakfast - fried bacon, eggs, mini-sausage balls and 2 tiny plum tomatoes
Lunch - 2 ham roll-ups, stuffed with celery, cheese and mayo, mini-sausage balls
Snacks - celery with cream cheese and 3 cashew nuts; 1 oz Cheddar cheese, 2 Cheddar crispie thins (Sainsbury's - just 1.3g carbs each)
Dinner- Bee's slow roast shoulder of lamb, buttered cabbage and sprouts

The shoulder of lamb was cooked for 11 hours in a large slow-cooker. For the first six hours it was on high, then turned to low for the remainder of the cooking time. It was declared "the best bit of lamb I've ever tasted" by the family!

Daily nutrition totals:
Net Carbs: 18g
Fat: 153g
Protein: 161g
Cals: 2,152

Onwards and downwards,

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely! I've not done this recipe...might have to change that soon though. Days menu looks good looking forward to eating healthy next week!


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