Breakfast - Net Carbs: 3g, Cals: 409
25g bacon, 2 eggs, 4 Perfect Protein Pancakes, fried in butter
Lunch - Net carbs: 3g, Cals: 548
100g boiled ham rolled, stuffed with grated cheese and 100g my coleslaw #1
Dinner - Net carbs: 22, yes, 22, a whole day's worth! Cals: 416
2 cheese-baked eggs... and one round [40g] white bread!
Because I had made the bread into Melba toast it didn't seem very much at all... Was it worth it? NO!
Snacks - Net carbs: 6g, Cals: 496
1oz Cheddar cheese
4 Cheddar cheese crispie thins
Daily totals: Net carbs: 33g, Cals: 1869
How interesting that my calories went down as my carbs rose. Let's see how that's reflected in the scales. Perhaps it was due to this morning's weigh-in that I allowed myself the stupid self-saboutage.

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